Kotamobagu City is one of the regions in North Sulawesi, Kotamobagu City is located at an altitude between one hundred and eighty to one hundred and thirty meters above sea level (above sea level). The position of Kotamobagu City is in a valley surrounded by mountains and passed by several rivers, including Bonodon river, Yoyak river, and Motoboi Besar river in East Kotamobagu; Yantaton river and Kope’ river in South Kotamobagu; Mongkonai Village river and Ongkaw Mongondow river in West Kotamobagu; Bilalang river, Toko river and Kotobangon river in North Kotamobagu. There are many kinds of tourist attractions that can already be enjoyed by visitors, both natural and other tours, namely Mongkonai waterfall, Moat lake, Bogani Nani Wartabone national park and Ambang mountain. Besides that, the diversity of flora here is also very interesting, for birds in this area include Speckled Boobook (Ninox punctulata), Matinan Blue Flycatcher (Cyornis Sanfordi), MAron Chinned Fruit-dove (Ptilinopus subgularis), Purple-bearded Bee earter (Meropogon forsteni), Maleo (Macrocephalon maleo).
Birdwatching is an activity of observing birds with special equipment such as binoculars, monoculars or cameras. Participants then record the species name, morphological description, behavior, and other information such as the number of individuals and bird activity when found.
Birding Tour North Sulawesi On this trip, tourists will be below to go around the forest area of Tangkoko Nature...